Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation would like to take this opportunity to provide some information about coverage options available to Saskatchewan farmers and ranchers during a difficult harvest season.

October 8, 2019

Dear Industry Partners:

Re:  2019 Harvest

The Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) understands the challenges producers are facing this fall due to recent heavy rain and snow delaying harvest. I would like to take this opportunity to provide some information about coverage options available to Saskatchewan farmers and ranchers.

Crop Insurance provides coverage for both yield and quality loss on insured crops. It is important producers stay in contact with SCIC about their crop quality. Our offices will be able to identify producers who appear to be in a claim position due to quality losses.

If a Crop Insurance customer wants to put their crop to an alternate use, they simply need to contact their local SCIC office or Crop Insurance Customer Service toll-free line, at 1-888-935-0000. SCIC is committed to dispatching our adjusters to process producer’s pre-harvest appraisal, as timely as possible. In order to provide an accurate inspection for both yield and quality loss, SCIC prefers a harvested check-strip, with an adjuster present, to complete a producer’s appraisal and calculate any potential claim.

For those livestock producers worried about nitrates and other quality issues with feed stock or inquiring about winter feed plans, resources are available through the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture. Ministry specialists are available to assist producers with obtaining an analysis of their feed and developing a feeding plan for their livestock. Livestock and Feed Extension Specialists can also assist producers in management and planning when faced with salvaging grain crops for livestock forage. I encourage producers to please contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377 or take advantage of the current SaskAgNow article discussing managing winter feeding with alternative feed sources, feed testing, winder feeding plans and; canola hay/silage for livestock. 

With crops currently still out in the field, I want to also remind your members about the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. All Saskatchewan producers are eligible for coverage. Producers do not have to be a Crop Insurance customer to be eligible to submit a claim. Producers are encouraged to contact SCIC as soon as damage is detected: 1-888-935-0000. SCIC continues to monitor Wildlife Damage calls over the weekends during harvest season.

For those producer’s enrolled in AgriStability for the 2019 program year, lower than expected yields and crop quality downgrading could impact a participant’s margin. AgriStability participants can apply for an interim benefit before the year is over. Interim benefits allow producers to receive up to 50 per cent of their AgriStability benefit early. If producers have questions about AgriStability, they can contact their local SCIC office or call the AgriStability Call Centre at 1-866-270-8450.

As a producer myself, I understand this is a stressful time. The Farm Stress Line is available at 1-800-667-4442. This is a 24/7 confidential service, available to producers across the province. Whether your members are seeking information, or trying to manage a conflict or crisis, I encourage producers to reach out and seek assistance, if needed.

I am hopeful 2019 harvest will be completed through October and November. In the event harvest is further delayed and producers are unable to harvest their crop by November 15, Crop Insurance customers have the option to request an extension of insurance. An extension of insurance provides coverage on insured crops over winter. November 15 is also the deadline to file a claim and/or report their production declaration, following the completion of harvest. For more information on this, or any of SCIC’s programs, please visit our website.

We are currently monitoring the weather and harvest progress. SCIC is working alongside the Ministry of Agriculture, and our industry partners, to keep producers informed. I would encourage you to share this information with your members and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact my office.

Shawn Jaques
President and CEO
Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation