August 2020
Why Do You Keep it Clean on Your Farm?
Keep it Clean is a joint initiative of the Canola Council of Canada, Pulse Canada, Cereals Canada, Barley Council of Canada, and Prairie Oat Growers Association, providing growers with tips and tools for growing crops that meet the requirements of our domestic and export customers.
Corey Loessin farms near Radisson, SK and grows canola, lentils, oats, peas, and wheat. Corey is also a Director with Saskatchewan Pulse Growers. When asked, “Why do you keep it clean on your farm?” he responsed:
The primary driver is to produce the highest quality product we can. In addition, export markets that either have tighter tolerances, or no tolerance established for crop protection products, is something we need to pay attention to. We need to be aware of which products may have special concerns around them.
Before we do anything as far as application of a product, we check Keep it Clean’s advisories to make sure what we are planning to do complies. That may involve also checking with exporters where we intend to sell the products.
We need to pay attention on an ongoing basis, not just once a year, but regularly to see what the Keep it Clean advisories have highlighted as products to pay particular attention to.
Everyone needs to take responsibility, because everyone depends on the same markets. We are producing food, so it has to be clean.
Keep it Clean! is partially funded through the AgriMarketing Program through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal, provincial, and territorial initiative.
Learn more about the use of acceptable pesticides at https://