Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (SPG) is calling on producers to ensure lentils are at the proper stage before applying glyphosate for pre-harvest weed control this growing season.
“It is critically important that growers only apply glyphosate on lentils when the crop is at less than 30% seed moisture,” says SPG Chair Brad Blackwell. In addition to applying at 30% moisture, glyphosate should also only be applied with a pre-harvest interval of at least seven days. It is important to note that glyphosate is not registered as a desiccant.
“Applying glyphosate at the wrong time or at the wrong rates could result in elevated residue levels, poor seed quality, and negatively impact our ability to market Canadian grown lentils worldwide.”
There is a heightened level of focus on the use of glyphosate across the globe, and an increasing number of markets are testing pulses for glyphosate residue. The onus is on growers to ensure that these products are being used according to product registration and label, to eliminate the risk of high residue levels that could result in market access issues. SPG is helping to support growers in this area through the development of an awareness campaign focused on the proper timing of glyphosate application. The campaign includes billboards, print advertisements, and social media promotion all seeking to capture the attention of growers.
“SPG has developed information tools for growers including a lentil staging guide that shows a visual depiction of what lentil plants and seed looks like at 30% moisture, to help assess when a field is ready for application of glyphosate,” says SPG’s Executive Director Carl Potts. “We are aiming to provide growers with the tools and information they need to eliminate market access risks related to glyphosate.” The lentil staging guide, along with other important tools, can be found at, a multi-crop collaborative platform for sharing important market access information.
“Over 85% of Canadian lentils are exported to international markets,” says Blackwell. “Maintaining market access for Canadian lentils in key export markets is imperative to ensuring the long-term success and viability of the our industry. Let’s all do our part to maintain Canada’s reputation as a quality supplier.”
Accountable to and funded by growers, SPG’s strategic direction is guided by a seven member, grower-elected, Board of Directors. SPG’s mission is to provide leadership for profitable growth for Saskatchewan pulses.
For more information, please contact:
Rachel Kehrig
Director of Communications & Market Promotion
Saskatchewan Pulse Growers
Cell: (306) 230-6488
Andrea Lauder
Communications Manager
Saskatchewan Pulse Growers
Cell: (306) 250-6858