Saskatchewan Pulse Growers will be holding our annual general meeting (AGM) on Monday, January 13, 2020 at 4:30 PM in Saskatoon.
The meeting will take place at TCU Place (35-22 Street East) as part of CropSphere 2020. You DO NOT need to be registered for CropSphere to attend the AGM.
I strongly encourage you to attend our upcoming AGM. At the meeting we will be seeking grower support to amend SPG’s regulations to allow for the addition of appointed Directors to the SPG Board and to include fenugreek under SPG’s mandate.
- Adding Appointed Directors to SPG’s Board of Directors
SPG is seeking to amend our regulations, developed under the Saskatchewan Agri-Food Act, to allow for the appointment of up to two additional Directors to the SPG Board. We believe that the addition of appointed Directors will allow SPG to add diverse expertise and skillsets in areas that will enable strong decision-making on the behalf of Saskatchewan growers.
- Adding Fenugreek Under SPG’s Mandate
Fenugreek growers and processors in Saskatchewan have requested that SPG include fenugreek under our mandate. The Ministry of Agriculture is considering this request. If the crop is incorporated into SPG’s mandate, we would establish and administer a non-refundable levy similar to that of pulse crops, and invest in research and development to support the fenugreek industry.
Following this note, you will find the agenda for SPG’s AGM, along with a copy of three resolutions that have been submitted to SPG in advance of the meeting. Once again, I strongly encourage you to attend, as we would like to hear directly from growers on the areas of importance to you and what we can do to support you on your farm.
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you at our 2020 AGM.
Brad Blackwell, Chair
Monday, January 13, 2020
TCU Place, Saskatoon, SK
4:30 PM
Presentation of the Pulse Promoter Award
- Adoption of Agenda
- Introduction of the Board & Staff
- Declaration of Election Results
- Approval of Minutes from Last Annual General Meeting (January 14, 2019)
- Business Arising from the Minutes
- Presentation of the Audited Financial Statements
- Appointment of Auditor for 2019/20
- Report from the Organization
- Chair’s Report
- Executive Director’s Report
- Proposed Changes to SPG Regulations
- Addition of Appointed Directors
- Addition of Fenugreek to SPG Mandate
- Resolutions
- The Carbon Tax
- SPG Seed Co
- Checkoff Funding
**Reminder Registration for CropSphere 2020 is now open! Join us at this year’s event for keynotes including Andrew Coyne talking about Canada’s current affairs and how that links to Canada’s food production system and Chuck Penner and Marlene Boersch providing market outlooks for key crops. Breakout sessions will focus on maximizing yields for peas and lentils and how growers can take advantage of the growing plant protein markets. Register now at Please join us for a networking reception following our AGM.
Notice of Received Resolutions
Saskatchewan Pulse Growers received three resolutions in advance of the AGM that met the requirements to be added to the agenda.
Resolution No. 1
Title: The Carbon Tax
Whereas many studies have concluded that continuous cropping is an effective tool in C02 mitigation
Be it resolved the SPG lobby to have primary producers paid for their contribution to the reduction of C02
Submitted by Dave Marzolf
Resolution No. 2
Title: SPG Seed Co
Whereas the current agreement with CDC is ending and SPG still has trailing investments in R&D
And whereas the federal government and others are looking to implement a seed royalty system also known as a seed tax
Therefore if be resolved SPG looks to continue ownership of varieties in development through the creation of a farmer owned seed company
Submitted by Dave Marzolf
Resolution No. 3
Title: Check-off Funding
Whereas a resolution has been passed for the implementation of refundable check-offs
And whereas that was not implemented
And whereas the Federal government has funded Pulse Canada
And whereas the value for dollar does not increase with the size or acreage of the crop grown
Therefore be it resolved Saskpulse check-off funding becomes voluntary where a producer can decide how much he donates to Saskpulse.
Submitted by Dave Marzolf