Research Objective

Project Description

To develop high-yielding, high-quality dry bean cultivars with tolerance to local diseases for short-season production in Saskatchewan.


The bean breeding program at the University of Saskatchewan has been able to continue thanks to Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) and Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (SPG) funding. We managed to have material from all generations in the field in 2022 and successfully ran two crossing blocks for new germplasm in the winter and summer. Promising lines are being advanced to the next generations. A priority is being placed on lines that are carrying the marker linked to tolerance to common bacterial blight to keep seed production local. Seed characteristics as determined by market class continues to be the primary driver of selection, followed by yield and maturity. Plant architecture, including increased pod height, is a secondary priority. Three lines were recommendation for registration at the Prairie Grain Development Committee (PGDC) meetings in February. CDC Sunburst was grown commercially for the first time and foundation seed of CDC Whitetrack was produced, along with breeder seed of a new black bean line, in 2022.

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