Peas Varieties & Breeding
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Market Class: Yellow Pea

Year Registered: 2021
Sub-licensed Outside of SK: SeCan
International Distribution Rights: No
Breeder: Dr. Tom Warkentin, Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Plant Breeders’ Rights:


CDC Tollefson is a mid-maturing, very high yield yellow pea.. After 7 years of testing in the Co-op and Regional Variety trials in Saskatchewan, it was the highest yielding variety in the south yielding 109% of the check variety CDC Amarillo. It also yields high in the north at 108% of the check. This represents a 4 – 6% yield increase vs. the current CDC varieties CDC Inca, CDC Spectrum and CDC Lewochko. It has very good standability; similar to CDC Amarillo and CDC Spectrum and medium-long vine length. It has improved disease resistance vs. CDC Spectrum, CDC Lewochko or CDC Inca and is rated moderately resistant to Fusarium root rot. It has good seed characteristics and is rated good for resistance to seed coat breakage, dimpling and greenness (Table 1). Protein is similar to CDC Amarillo. CDC Tollefson has PBR’91 protection.

Statistical analysis of 8 years of long-term RVT data ranked CDC Lewochko 2nd from the top for yield in the south and 7th in the north among 16 historical and new yellow pea varieties (Figure 1).


  • High yield in both north & south geographies 
  • Improved resistance to Fusarium root rot and mycosphaerella blight – better than CDC Inca, CDC Spectrum or CDC Lewochko 
  • Good seed characteristic package – rated good for: 
    • Resistance to seed coat breakage; 
    • Resistance to dimpling; 
    • Greenness (less green coloration) – better than CDC Inca or CDC Spectrum 
  • Medium-long vine length; taller than CDC Amarillo or AAC Lacombe 
  • Very good lodging resistance; similar to CDC Spectrum and CDC Amarillo, better than CDC Inca or CDC Meadow 
  • Powdery mildew resistance 


  • Medium seed size (similar to CDC Amarillo) 
  • Medium maturity 
  • Moderate protein (similar to CDC Amarillo) 

Table 1: Agronomic performance of yellow pea varieties from Co-op and Regional Trials in Saskatchewan

Variety Year Registered Years Tested Yield (% Amarillo) Relative Maturity Lodging (1-9)** Vine Length (cm) Resistance to: Seed Weight (g/1000) Protein % vs. CDC Amarillo
Area 1, 2 & South 3* Area North 3 & 4* Mycosphaerella Blight3 Powdery Mildew Fusarium Root Rot Seed coat breakage Seed coat dimpling4 Greeness5
CDC Amarillo 2012 14 100 100 M 3.5 85 4.5 R MR F F G 230 23
AAC Aberdeen 2019 5 108 107 M 3.5 85 4.5 R I F F G 250 -1.1
AAC Beyond 2021 5 106 108 E 4.5 80 5 R MR F F G 220 0.3
Boost 2022 4 102 101 M 4.5 90 4.5 R MR G G G 230 1.2
CDC Boundless 2023 4 109 105 M 3 90 4.5 R MR G G G 230 0.8
CDC Canary 2017 10 99 100 E 3.5 85 4.5 R I G F F 230 0.1
Caphorn 2023 4 100 98 M 4 80 5 R MR F G G 260 1.7
AAC Carver 2014 7 102 100 E 4 85 5 R I G F G 240 -1.3
AAC Chrome 2017 7 106 104 M 4.5 75 4.5 R I G G G 240 -1
CDC Citrine 2022 6 108 110 M 4 85 4 R MR G G G 220 0.3
CDC Engage 2023 4 107 107 M 3.5 85 4.5 R I G G G 240 0.7
CDC Hickie 2021 7 107 106 M 3.5 85 4.5 R MR G G G 230 0.5
CDC Inca 2015 12 104 102 M 4 85 4.5 R I G G F 230 -0.6
AAC Julius 2021 5 110 105 E 4 85 4.5 R MR G G G 210 0.4
CDC Lewochko 2018 10 104 104 M 3.5 90 4.5 R I G G G 230 0.9
AAC McMurphy 2023 3 102 101 M 3.5 85 4.5 R MR F F G 250 0.6
CDC Meadow 2006 12 93 90 E 4 85 5 R I G G G 220 -0.5
AAC Planet 2022 3 107 102 M 3.5 90 4.5 R MR G G G 220 1.2
AAC Profit 2019 6 103 109 M 4.5 90 4.5 R I F G G 230 0.8
CDC Spectrum 2016 12 105 103 M 3.5 85 4.5 R I G G F 240 0.7
CDC Tollefson 2021 7 109 108 M 3 90 4 R MR G G G 240 -0.3
CDC 5791 2024 4 107 103 M 4 90 4.5 R MR G G G 250 0.6
CDC 5845 2024 4 108 107 M 3.5 90 4 R MR G G G 240 0.6

Source: Varieties of Grain Crops (SaskSeed Guide) and Crop Development Centre, U of S 
*Area 1: Brown soil zone; Area 2: Dark brown; Area 3: Black; Area 4: Dark grey 
**Lodging score: 1 = Upright; 9 = Completely lodged 
***Mycosphaerella blight score: 1 = No disease, 9 = Completely blighted 
****Seed coat dimpling: Very Good = 0-5%; Good = 6-20%; Fair = 21-50% 
*****Greenness: Good = 0-15%; Fair = 16-40% 

Figure 1. Relative yield ranking of yellow pea varieties from 8 years of RVT data in SK in the south (left) and north (right).

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