Chickpeas Dry Beans Market Access
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By Brian Clancey, STAT Publishing
October 2023

Markets for chickpea and dry edible beans are starting the 2023-24 marketing year with optimism over price prospects in the face of lower supply estimates for the country and prospects global output will be less than feared.

Statistics Canada’s (StatCan) September production continued to call for a solid drop in yields from last year. The forecast was based on satellite and other agroclimatic data. There will not be a direct survey of farmers until StatCan finalizes its production estimates for the year.

It is important to note that yields provided by growers and crop reporters reported to provincial agriculture departments and grain companies are higher than the federal numbers. However, the differences are not big enough to suggest Canada’s available supply of beans or chickpeas is up over last year.


The September forecasts suggest this year’s chickpea harvest increased modestly over last year, advancing from 127,900 to 134,400 tonnes with the increase in seeded area offset by lower average yields.

More importantly, the carryover from last season is believed to be only 27,000 tonnes, down from 155,000 a year ago. If those numbers are accurate and imports decline from 45,000 to 39,000 tonnes, Canada’s available supply is under 210,000 tonnes compared to 328,000 last season.

Canada is a not a price setter in chickpeas, but it has been an important supplier in recent years because of smaller Kabuli chickpea harvests in Mexico and a few other origins. In the last few years, our most important buyers were the United States (U.S), Pakistan, and Turkey.

Given the current supply situation, however, it will be impossible for Canada to maintain average export volumes to those destinations. Looking at this, growers, processors, and exporters are feeling bullish about price prospects. There are clouds on the horizon, however.

Production in the U.S. is up sharply over last year because of a moderate increase in seeded area and a 26% jump in average yields. Farmers in Montana say they harvested 1,310 pounds per acre (lbs/ac), up from just 770 last year, offsetting declines in North Dakota and Washington state. The latest United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates peg output at roughly 224,900 tonnes from 380,300 acres, compared to 165,900 from 353,100 acres last year.

The carryover from the 2022-23 marketing year is estimated at 22,000 tonnes, up from 3,000 a year ago. As a result, the available supply of domestically produced chickpeas in the U.S. likely jumped from 168,900 to 246,900 tonnes. Not only does this reduce the quantity of chickpeas the country needs to buy from Canada, it will allow an expansion in exports.

The major cloud facing markets in 2024 is that farmers in Mexico planted all the chickpeas they could. Even with average yields, production could double. Depending on the urgency of farmers and exporters in Mexico to sell product in 2024, Canada and the U.S. should see reduced buying interest from importers early in 2024.

However, a strong regional focus remains in place. Combined chickpea production in the two countries is up over last year. Supplies are down because of a sharp drop in ending stocks available, however, falling from 452,000 to 408,000 tonnes. It seems likely residual supplies will rise by the end of the 2023-24 marketing year, though unsold stocks of chickpeas in Canada could be down even as those in the U.S. rise.

Canadian Chickpea Supply And Demand

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Area (acres) 241,000 442,900 391,900 297,800 221,950 233,800 315,600
Yield (pounds/acre) 1,341 1,550 1,415 1,587 907 1,206 939
Production (tonnes) 146,585 311,300 251,500 214,400 91,288 127,929 134,400
Imports (tonnes) 48,765 52,657 49,086 41,633 30,086 45,000 39,000
Carry-In (tonnes) 10,000 13,000 140,000 255,000 277,000 155,000 27,000
Stocks (tonnes) 205,351 376,957 440,586 511,033 398,374 327,929 200,400
Exports (tonnes) 116,141 149,501 107,376 163,513 179,323 230,278 105,200
Seed (tonnes) 34,558 30,260 22,945 17,581 18,205 24,528 24,628
Feed & Waste (tonnes) 7,000 6,696 5,600 5,200 6,800 4,800 5,838
Other Domestic (tonnes) 34,652 50,500 49,665 47,739 39,046 41,323 39,734
Total Usage (tonnes) 192,351 236,957 185,586 234,033 243,374 300,929 175,400
Ending Stock (tonnes) 13,000 140,000 255,000 277,000 155,000 27,000 25,000
Stock/Use Ratio 6.8% 59.1% 137.4% 118.4% 63.7% 9.0% 14.3%

Forecasts by STAT Market Research based on data from Statistics Canada.

Global Kabuli Chickpea Supply-Demand Estimates

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Area (hectares) 1,902,000 2,635,000 2,018,000 1,705,000 1,800,000 1,784,000 1,816,000
Yield (kilograms/hectare) 1,274 1,274 1,426 1,360 1,019 1,114 1,146
Production (tonnes) 2,424,000 3,357,000 2,878,000 2,318,000 1,834,000 1,988,000 2,082,000
Carry-in (tonnes) 94,000 268,000 635,000 612,000 337,000 271,000 205,000
Supply (tonnes) 2,518,000 3,625,000 3,513,000 2,930,000 2,171,000 2,259,000 2,287,000
Trade (tonnes) 793,000 1,193,000 1,113,000 1,122,000 829,000 962,000 902,000
Inferred Use (tonnes) 2,250,000 2,990,000 2,901,000 2,593,000 1,900,000 2,054,000 2,047,000
Ending Stock (tonnes) 268,000 635,000 612,000 337,000 271,000 205,000 240,000
Stock/Use Ratio 11.9% 21.2% 21.1% 13.0% 14.3% 10.0% 11.7%

Estimates by STAT based data from the The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), USDA, StatCan, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), and other entities.

Dry Beans

Dry edible beans face a similar situation despite higher than hoped residual stocks of pinto, black, and navy beans in North Dakota. The USDA will update its production forecast in October. Based on earlier yield projections, coloured bean output in Canada and the U.S. likely dropped from 1.24 to 1.09 million tonnes, while the white bean harvest slipped from 295,000 to 268,000 metric tonnes.

There was an overall reduction in the quantity of beans carried over from the previous marketing year. As a result, available supplies of white beans in the two countries may have dropped from 462,000 to 374,000 tonnes and coloured beans from 1.48 to 1.37 million tonnes.

A large part of the navy bean crop is grown in Ontario, while western Canada tends to focus on coloured beans, with pinto being the most important. That focus adds weight to events in North Dakota, which accounts for an average of 74% of the seeded area for pinto beans and 66% of the U.S. harvest.

In most years, the U.S. is Canada’s second most important pinto bean destination after Angola. Consequently, there was some surprise to see that ending stocks of pinto beans in North Dakota will be up sharply from last year.

In its survey of licensed grain dealers in the state, North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute found that stocks held by processors jumped from 79,400 tonnes in 2022 to almost 148,400 tonnes as of July 31 this year. This is the biggest inventory since 2010, when the state’s processors were sitting on 161,500 tonnes.

Higher than expected ending stocks will offset some of the impact of lower average pinto bean yields in the U.S., but without a major increase in yields in North Dakota, available supplies will likely be down from last season.

For bean growers in Western Canada, the situation in North Dakota is significant because they have the capacity to sell directly to processors in the U.S. As a result, bids in the U.S. influence prices Canadian processors are willing to pay for equivalent qualities.

Smaller production and little change in disappearance should combine to reduce the amount of unsold beans in both Canada and the U.S. by the end of the 2023-24 marketing campaign. While Kabuli chickpeas face a risk of prices setting their seasonal highs during the first half of the marketing campaign, values for beans could trend higher as remaining supplies fall relative to prospective demand.

Estimated Breakdown of Canadian Bean Production By Class

Area (acres) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Navy/Pea 103,000 89,400 117,900 132,200 112,900 80,900 71,418
Black 49,000 35,800 52,476 61,500 46,400 43,000 37,283
Cranberry 8,000 25,700 17,400 19,890 24,800 11,100 7,834
Dark Red Kidney 4,000 20,100 23,000 32,500 29,800 15,100 25,728
Great Northern 23,000 24,395 25,868 36,400 25,000 10,800 15,307
Light Red Kidney 4,000 14,200 N/A 5,700 6,700 6,000 8,154
Pinto 80,000 88,500 85,535 125,900 131,200 83,700 88,943
Small Red 3,000 7,400 3,735 26,650 19,900 16,429 15,824
Other 89,100 57,805 69,387 16,460 27,099 30,571 42,984
 Total 363,100 363,300 395,300 457,200 423,799 297,600 317,700
Production (tonnes) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Navy/Pea 94,700 88,500 86,200 144,800 102,200 88,600 64,000
Black 45,300 34,400 43,700 59,300 27,000 27,200 28,000
Cranberry 7,700 22,400 16,600 19,600 26,200 10,700 7,000
Dark Red Kidney 3,400 19,100 13,800 32,300 32,700 16,400 23,000
Great Northern 27,000 32,500 31,000 42,700 23,700 11,100 16,000
Light Red Kidney 4,100 10,600 N/A 5,830 5,500 5,500 6,000
Pinto 89,900 74,900 71,700 138,800 113,500 91,800 79,000
Small Red 4,000 9,000 2,800 34,600 15,000 15,500 13,000
Other 78,300 75,600 62,100 11,870 17,773 46,194 48,633
 Total 354,400 367,000 327,900 489,800 363,573 312,994 284,633

BASED on data from StatCan and provincial crop insurance data. 2023 production is estimated based on the normal relationship between national and class yields. Other includes all classes.

Canadian Dry Edible Bean Supply And Demand

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Area (acres) 241,000 442,900 391,900 297,800 221,950 233,800 315,600
Yield (pounds/acre) 1,341 1,550 1,415 1,587 907 1,206 939
Production (tonnes) 146,585 311,300 251,500 214,400 91,288 127,929 134,400
Imports (tonnes) 48,765 52,657 49,086 41,633 30,086 45,000 39,000
Carry-In (tonnes) 10,000 13,000 140,000 255,000 277,000 155,000 27,000
Stocks (tonnes) 205,351 376,957 440,586 511,033 398,374 327,929 200,400
Exports (tonnes) 116,141 149,501 107,376 163,513 179,323 230,278 105,200
Seed (tonnes) 34,558 30,260 22,945 17,581 18,205 24,528 24,628
Feed & Waste (tonnes) 7,000 6,696 5,600 5,200 6,800 4,800 5,838
Other Domestic (tonnes) 34,652 50,500 49,665 47,739 39,046 41,323 39,734
Total Usage (tonnes) 192,351 236,957 185,586 234,033 243,374 300,929 175,400
Ending Stock (tonnes) 13,000 140,000 255,000 277,000 155,000 27,000 25,000
Stock/Use Ratio 6.8% 59.1% 137.4% 118.4% 63.7% 9.0% 14.3%

Forecasts by STAT based on data from StatCan. All classes are combined.

Combined U.S. and Canada Pulse Production Estimates For 2023

Area (acres) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Lentils 5,509,000 4,548,000 4,267,000 4,756,000 4,909,000 4,981,000 4,214,000
Peas 5,244,000 4,485,000 5,446,000 5,270,000 4,830,000 4,291,000 4,002,000
White Beans 401,000 357,000 374,000 471,000 389,000 287,000 283,000
Colored Beans 1,477,000 1,276,000 1,364,000 1,795,000 1,493,000 1,315,000 1,334,000
Chickpeas 867,000 1,306,000 845,000 552,000 589,000 587,000 696,000
Total 13,498,000 11,972,000 12,296,000 12,844,000 12,210,000 11,461,000 10,529,000
Production (tonnes) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Lentils 2,898,000 2,573,000 2,623,000 3,204,000 1,749,000 2,550,000 1,801,000
Peas 4,761,000 4,309,000 5,252,000 5,585,000 2,637,000 4,111,000 3,062,000
White Beans 377,000 367,000 298,000 457,000 323,000 295,000 268,000
Colored Beans 1,336,000 1,173,000 1,014,000 1,590,000 1,103,000 1,241,000 1,094,000
Chickpeas 469,000 892,000 535,000 400,000 220,000 294,000 359,000
Total 9,841,000 9,314,000 9,722,000 11,236,000 6,032,000 8,491,000 6,584,000
Carry-In (tonnes) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Lentils 320,000 878,000 861,000 214,000 443,000 228,000 152,000
Peas 505,000 814,000 482,000 452,000 669,000 372,000 660,000
White Beans 37,000 81,000 108,000 50,000 158,000 167,000 106,000
Colored Beans 145,000 241,000 204,000 31,000 224,000 242,000 273,000
Chickpeas 20,000 72,000 400,000 421,000 298,000 158,000 49,000
Total 1,027,000 2,086,000 2,055,000 1,168,000 1,792,000 1,167,000 1,240,000
Supply (tonnes) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Lentils 3,218,000 3,451,000 3,484,000 3,418,000 2,192,000 2,778,000 1,953,000
Peas 5,266,000 5,123,000 5,734,000 6,037,000 3,306,000 4,483,000 3,722,000
White Beans 414,000 448,000 406,000 507,000 481,000 462,000 374,000
Colored Beans 1,481,000 1,414,000 1,218,000 1,621,000 1,327,000 1,483,000 1,367,000
Chickpeas 489,000 964,000 935,000 821,000 518,000 452,000 408,000
Total 10,868,000 11,400,000 11,777,000 12,404,000 7,824,000 9,658,000 7,824,000

BASED on data from StatCan and USDA.

Brian Clancey is the Editor and Publisher of market news website and President of STAT Publishing Ltd. He can be reached at

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