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Brian Innes, Executive Director, Soy Canada

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (SPG) works with Soy Canada to advance issues pertinent to removing barriers and growing markets for Canadian-grown soybeans.

Grower and industry leaders created Soy Canada in 2014 to bridge the gap between international soybean processors and soybean growers, working to enable the value chain to come together and create value through collaboration.

On the Stage to Build Asian Demand

With over 70% of Canadian soybean production destined for  export, diverse and valuable markets are critical. That is why each year, Soy Canada undertakes an international marketing strategy to support our exporters and showcase the advantages of sourcing from Canada.

“Soy Canada provides national representation for soybean growers in Saskatchewan, which helps to connect the soybean value chain,” said Winston van Staveren, Board Member with SPG and Soy Canada. “This work supports trade policy, market access, research and development, and works to increase industry profile.”

As part of this year’s efforts, Soy Canada hosted two virtual seminars in March for customers in Japan and Southeast Asia, targeting Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, China, and Vietnam. The Southeast Asian seminar attracted more than 160 virtual participants.

Importers, distributors, soy food manufacturers, and government representatives had the opportunity to hear about soybean quality research, Canada’s traceability program, and projections for 2022 production. The team at Soy Canada producing the seminar included representatives from each segment of the value chain from seed companies, growers, processors, and exporters. New for this year were two keynote speakers of great interest for participants who spoke on outlook for soybean supply and prices, as well as a speaker on freight logistics.

During the seminar, we launched our new food-grade soybean  variety finder to compare key quality characteristics in our varieties. It has already proven to be a valuable tool for customers to determine which of the 80 varieties produced is right for them.

The seminars also showcased new videos that highlight the quality, traceability, and sustainability of Canadian soybeans (see Related Videos below). While it doesn’t quite enable customers to get dirt on their boots walking a field, it is a valuable tool to share how Canadian soybeans are produced and to highlight why Canada is a reliable supplier of soybeans.

Behind the Scenes to Grow Northern Soybean Quality and Production

In January, the Northern Soybean Summit brought together members and invited guests from across the value chain and across Canada to discuss the expansion and quality of Northern soybeans. Here are a few snippets of the discussion on how soybeans can become more valuable for Saskatchewan growers:

Growers from across Canada shared what it takes for soybeans to be profitable in their rotations.
Left to right, top to bottom: Brian Innes, Executive Director of Soy Canada; Ernie Sirski, Board Member with Soy Canada and Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers; William Van Tassel, Board Member with Quebec Grain Producers; Winston Van Staveren, Board Member with SPG and Soy Canada; and Charles Amyot, Board Member with Grain Farmers of Ontario.

Published May 2022

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