Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (SPG) were approached by fenugreek growers and processors in Saskatchewan to include fenugreek under SPG’s mandate.

Fenugreek is a self-pollinated, small-seeded annual legume that has traditionally been grown as a spice and forage crop. Currently, a processing plant operating in the province allows for diversified value-added production. The inclusion of fenugreek under SPG’s mandate would support SPG’s goal to develop new crop options for Saskatchewan growers. Learn more about SPG’s strategy here

If fenugreek is incorporated into the SPG mandate, the SPG would also establish and administer a non-refundable levy to invest in the development of the commodity.

Under SPG’s proposed plan for the inclusion of fenugreek to their mandate:

  • A levy would be applied to Saskatchewan-produced fenugreek. The levy would be mandatory, non-refundable and collected by SPG. Buyers would deduct from each purchase at the first point of sale and then remit to SPG on a monthly basis.
  • The levy rate would be consistent with all other commodities under SPG’s mandate.
  • The SPG board would continue to operate in the same manner.

The collected levy from fenugreek will be invested back into fenugreek priorities to help advance the industry. This could include: 

  • Improvements in plant breeding and variety selection;
  • Fungicide and herbicide research;
  • Improvements in straw management and utilization;
  • Improvements in rhizobium; and
  • Fertility trials.

Producers will have from September 20 to October 31, 2019 to submit their comments on the inclusion of fenugreek under SPG’s mandate. To provide your feedback, please click here.

Once producer feedback from this survey is collected, it will be analyzed by the Agri-Food Council, which will make a recommendation to the Minister of Agriculture. The minister will then decide if SPG can hold a fenugreek producer vote regarding the proposed plan. 

If the vote by fenugreek producers is passed, the Agri-Food Council will make a final recommendation to the minister on whether to accept SPG’s plan for the inclusion of fenugreek and establishing a levy for fenugreek producers. 

For additional questions regarding this process, please email the Agri-Food Council before October 31, 2019.